Mount Profiti Ilias in Mylos, Greece
Mylos Mountains - Mount Profiti Ilias is the highest peak on the island of Mylos in the Cyclades, Greece, reaching 748 meters in height. Named after the prophet Elias, it is a popular name for the highest summits on Greek islands. While the western part of Mylos where the summit is located is sparsely populated with mainly bad or macadam roads, the area is heavily used for telecommunication and energy production. If you hike from the north-east, you'll discover a stunning mountain landscape with wildflowers, goats, and maybe even a Mylos viper (Macrovipera schweizeri). At the summit, you'll find the chapel of Profitis Ilias and signs of civilization. Alternatively, you can drive up to the summit by car, although this means missing out on the breathtaking views of Milos Bay, Mylos Island, and neighbouring Kimolos. Experience the beauty of Mount Profiti Ilias in Mylos, Greece.
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