Mount Lykeon in Arcadia, Peloponnese
Arcadia Mountains & Nature - Mount Lykeon in Arcadia, Peloponnese holds immense historical and religious significance, being revered as the birthplace of Zeus by the ancient Arcadians. Recent excavations have revealed evidence of the mountain's sacredness dating back to the Early Hellenic Period (3000 BC). The mountain was home to a bethel of Zeus and Pan, a hippodrome, guest houses, and a theatre. Lykea was a festival held in honor of Zeus. However, it is worth noting that the ancient devotional rituals involved sacrificing infants, whose flesh was later consumed by the followers, disguised among other foods. The one who ate it would transform into a wolf for nine years and revert to human form after nine years, only if they refrained from eating human flesh. Failure to do so would result in being trapped in the wolf form forever. According to Pausanias, Lykosoura, the first town ever built, was located at the foothills of the mountain. Despite extensive searches, the various artifacts and structures mentioned have not been recovered so far.