Hydra Island is a treasure trove of religious monuments, with numerous chapels and churches waiting to be explored. If you're looking for a unique religious experience, make sure to visit the Monastery of Agia Efpaxia, a stunning monastery located on a hilltop that's surrounded by lush greenery. This female monastery is still active and inhabited by nuns. Another must-see church is the Agios Nikolaos Monastery, which was abandoned after World War II but later converted into a nunnery in 1983. For a glimpse into Hydra's rich history, check out the Panagia Zourva Church, one of the island's oldest monasteries, located near Mandraki. It was even used as a barracks during the Greek Revolution. Don't miss your chance to explore these incredible churches and monasteries in Hydra. Use the filter above to search for more sights by category and location.

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