Explore Olympia in Ilias of Peloponnese and discover a world of ancient wonder, Greek gastronomy, and comfortable lodgings. The historic site of Olympia is just a short walk from the modern town, which boasts a variety of shops, bars, and restaurants, as well as a captivating museum dedicated to the Olympic Games. You'll find ample choice in accommodations with many hotels, three campgrounds, and a hostel available. Be sure to visit the many museums dedicated to ancient Olympia during your stay in this unforgettable destination.

Things to see & do in Olympia

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How To Get There


Olympia and Pyrgos are connected by KTEL buses. Therefore, you must first travel to Pyrgos in order to take a bus from Athens or any other place in the Peloponnese to Olympia.

►View for more details, bus routes & tickets here

If you want to travel from Athens to Olympia, you must first drive to Patras on the Greek National Road, then continue on to Pyrgos and Olympia. The distance between Athens and Olympia is about 340 km.

►Rent your car to reach Olympia!

There are a few train connections between Pyrgos and Olympia. Special routes also are operated from the port of Katakolo to the ancient site of Olympia throughout the summer.

►View for routes & train tickets here