Paxoi Resort Hotel, Gaios Paxi
Visit the adult-only Paxoi Resort to explore Paxos' marvels. The property's amenities and services are available to both vacationers and business visitors. The welcoming and helpful personnel of Paxoi Resort, Adult-Only, in Gaios will assist you about your exploration of Paxi. The atmosphere of the guestrooms is warm and inviting, and some have practical features like a flat-screen television, sheets, towels, a wardrobe and a fan. Numerous leisure options are available on the property. During your stay at Paxoi Resort Hotel, you can count on a friendly atmosphere and first-rate service. Enjoy a rich breakfast at Paxoi Resort to start the day for sightseeing. Enjoy yourself at the hotel's pool area and get a refreshing drink from the bar. Gaios village and Paxoi Resort welcome you to explore its streets and uncover its mysteries. With everything from historic forts and museums to quaint tavernas and boutiques, Paxos's capital has something to offer everyone. Book Paxoi Resort Hotel, as it is an excellent accommodation in Paxi for your summer holidays.
Gaios, Paxi, Ionian